The University Records Retention Schedule, based on the JISC HE Records Retention Schedule, has been developed after a survey of the Corporate Departments and Faculties. 

The complete Records Retention Schedule covers a wide range of University functions and keywords can be searched using the CTRL and 'F'.

For ease of use key links to the most widely used parts of the retention schedule can be found on the right of this page within the 'Selected Highlights' section.  

Any queries, comments, requests for training in relation to the retention schedule should be directed to: [email protected]

Learning and Teaching and Research

Retention information for Learning and Teaching activities.

Retention information for Research activities.

Academic and Student Administration

Retention information for the Administration of Academic Activity.

Retention information for our Student Recruitment Activities.

Student Services

Retention information for our Student Support and Services.


Retention information for our Estates, HR and Finance Areas.