Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (She/Her)

LGBTQ+ History Month
Precious O’Driscoll smiles at the camera while taking a selfie in a graduation cap and robes at a graduation ceremony

It provides a dedicated space to celebrate and embrace an aspect of my identity that often goes unseen.

What LGBTQ+ History Month Means To Me

LGBTQ+ History Month holds a special significance for me as a bisexual woman in a straight relationship.

It provides a dedicated space to celebrate and embrace an aspect of my identity that often goes unseen.

Because of my heterosexual partnership, societal assumptions grant me the privilege of not having to explicitly share, justify or even defend my queerness on a daily basis.

However, this month allows me to proudly acknowledge and honour the full spectrum of my identity.

It is a time to reflect on the struggles and triumphs of the LGBTQ+ community, fostering a sense of solidarity and understanding.

By participating in LGBTQ+ History Month, I contribute to a broader narrative of inclusivity and recognition, emphasising that diverse sexual orientations exist within all walks of life.

This celebration transcends assumptions, fostering visibility and acceptance, creating a world where every facet of my identity is not just acknowledged but celebrated.

Get Involved

If you are a student or colleague at USW, and would like to share what LGBTQ+ History Month means to you, please email your contributions through to

[email protected]