Welsh Language Standards
The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 established a legal framework to impose a statutory duty on public bodies in Wales to comply with the new Welsh standards.
About Us Publications and PoliciesThe Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 recognises that there are two official languages in Wales - Welsh and English. The legislation enables people to live their lives through the medium of Welsh, if they choose to do so.
Both languages must be treated equally and the phrase “the Welsh language must not be treated less favourably than the English language” needs to be adhered to at all times. As of 1 April 2018* the Welsh Language Standards will replace the Welsh Language Act 1993.
*N.B: Some standard implementation dates are due to come into force later in 2018 and 2019. In these instances the Welsh Language Act 1993 will remain.
The Welsh Language Commissioner has included four standard themes in our final Compliance Notice and they are listed below. The standards aim to:
• Clarify to organisations what their duties are in relation to the Welsh language
• Clarify to Welsh speakers about the services they can expect to receive in Welsh
• Improve the quality and consistency in delivering Welsh language services
Please find below USW’s Welsh Language Standards Action Plan which notes how we intend to comply with the Standards from 1 April 2018.
Standard Theme | Who It Applies To |
Service Delivery Standards | Students, applicants and members of the public in order to promote or facilitate the use of the Welsh language, and ensure they are not treated less favourably. |
Operational Standards | USW Staff – addresses how we work on a day-to-day basis. |
Policy Making Standards | USW Staff- we need to consider what effect policy decisions have on the ability of a person to use the Welsh language. |
Record Keeping Standards | USW Staff- involves keeping records of some standards e.g. how many staff speak Welsh and the number of complaints received regarding non-compliance with the standards. |
The University must produce an annual report in relation to each financial year, which deals with the way in which the University has complied with the standards.
For more information on the standards please contact the Welsh Language Officer [email protected]