CPD Courses
Health CPD courses at USW can ensure you keep your skills up to date, increase your understanding of new subjects and even help you branch out into new areas. We have a range of opportunities to learn about subjects including independent prescribing, reading ECG's and caring for patients with dementia.
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A career in healthcare is extremely rewarding, and techniques are continuously updating and improving as we make new discoveries.
Why study with USW?
Our Clinical Simulation Centre replicates clinical environments for education and training. These include two, four-bedded bays to simulate a hospital setting, dedicated paediatric and maternity facilities, including a special care baby unit, an intensive care environment and an emergency department with a fully equipped ambulance simulator.
Our teaching staff have all worked in the field for many years and have a wide range of experience and expertise that they will hand down to you. The University prides itself on the support it gives to students on its nursing degrees, both practically and emotionally. Every student has a personal tutor and a module supervisor who can offer extra guidance and support.
Our nursing courses cover most aspects of healthcare professions. From becoming a registered nurse to tailoring your career into a specific healthcare profession, USW can help you to take the next step. You can specialise in a certain field, develop leadership and management skills and even study the education around healthcare theories.
How to apply
Each course will have its own point of contact, and you will need to apply directly to the tutor named on the course page.
Visit your chosen course to apply